About Us
The public accounting firm of Ahmad Raharjo Utomo abbreviated AR Utomo was established in 2012. Our mission is to provide professional service to help achievement of ourclient’s objective. Our values are integrity and professional competency and care with problem and environments.
Economic climate at this time, the accounting becomes more widespread, not only preparing the record books and audit at the end of the year. However, professional accountants are required to give meaning and value of the numbers that tersaji in financial reports, achievement of corporate goals, and the company’s prospects in the future to achieve greater success.
In Indonesia, the middle to enter the new era in terms of economic development, and are developing “Corporate Governance” requires the role of accountants from the profession. The situation and conditions of this must be for Indonesia to enter the third millennium that require modern technology and management that should be able to provide benefits in the face of globalization.
Modern management requires professional services from the public accountants who have the independence, integrity is high, and well qualified to plan and control the management company. We intend to participate  with the skills and experience that we have.
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